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Latin American Studies Research Grant 

The Latin American Studies Program will issue a maximum of $2,500 in expenses reimbursement to the students of the incoming cohort 2024-2025 as a Travel & Field Research and Professional Conference. Completed pre-approval application procedure is required. (see below)

What do I need to do before beginning field work?

What is required:

    • A proposal statement including title of research and a brief description of main topics covered.
    • Confirmation from a UCSD faculty member stating that they have agreed to be your advisor, and they are supervising your project.
    • Copy of letter from UCSD’s Human Research Protections Program approving the research project or stating that the research project is exempt (IRB).
    • Completed Student Certification for Business Form  

UC Travel Insurance

UC Travel Insurance

OR, if you go through UCSD travel, coverage enrollment is automatic.

  • ALL must have travel insurance as their regular healthcare coverage will not apply out of the US.
  • Print Ace Insurance / EuropAssist Travel Card Card prior to departure for reference while traveling and is key for emergencies.

IRB Resources

An IRB workshop will be scheduled for MA first year students.

Included is the link for Human Subject Training which is required for all Principal Investigators and study staff.

Required Human Subject training: CITI Training