Student Life
Housing Resources
Please consult: HDH Graduate Student and Family Housing
On-Campus Computer Support
Computer support for LAS grads is provided by the Social Science Computing Facility (SSCF). We are located on the 1st floor of Social Sciences Building in SSB 142. The preferred method of contact is through our online helpdesk ticket system. To generate a ticket, send an email to The helpdesk can be reached at 858-822-2423.
SSCF will support DSS Grad students in the following areas:
- Setup of a new machines
- Web hosting
- Antivirus
- Internet connectivity
- Email support
- General troubleshooting
SSCF will not provide any assistance with IT issues related to illegal file sharing, pirated software, computer games, and legacy (discontinued) software. "Unsupported" services may be supported by migrating users to a "supported" solution. Out-dated machines will not be supported. If for whatever reason SSCF cannot accommodate a user’s request, they will be referred to the appropriate on-campus support group.
Latin American Studies Library Research Guide
An introductory guide to doing research in Latin American studies in the UCSD Library
Raza Resource Centro (RRC)
The Raza Resource Centro (RRC) is one of the newest Campus Community Centers under the new Vice Chancellor of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion at UC San Diego. The Centro came out of a history of struggle, and student and community movements that called for resources and support for UCSD Chicano/as- Latino/as. As a Campus Community Center with administrative staff and student interns we offer activities, events and resources to connect, students, staff, faculty, and alumni. The RRC is open to everyone but we strive to emphasize and foster the access, retention, and graduation of Chicano/a-Latino/a students as well as create strong connections with our surrounding community.
Writing Hub
The Writing Hub supports all writers on campus – every writer, any project – and promotes writing as a tool for learning.
- By appointment one-on-one writing tutoring
- Supportive, in-depth conversations about writing, the writing process, and writing skills
- Writing Consultations
- Workshops and events
More details can be found on the Writing Hub website.
Off Campus
There are several neighborhoods off campus with grad student-friendly prices. Here are a few of the popular ones:
Beach communities
La Jolla– Technically it stretches from the beach to the grad student housing. Some deals to be found on Craig’s list type rentals near the beach, but usually very expensive.
Del Mar – The beach community just north of campus. Some places in our budget range, but far from the grad-student friendly fun.
Pacific Beach (“PB”) – The beach community just south of La Jolla. College atmosphere, young area. Traffic in and out is an issue during rush hour, but it’s a unique neighborhood with lots of bars and restaurants and housing deals.
Mission Beach, Ocean Beach (“OB”) and Point Loma – OB and Loma might have some good deals, but they are definitely harder to get in and out of. The commute might not be worth the deal!
UTC/University City – The area directly south and southeast of campus. Mostly apartments, on the pricey side. Close, convenient, but might be lacking in fun.
Clairemont – Lots of cheap, great houses and apartments, but a few not-so-great areas (check out the place before you commit). Close and easy to get to school!
Hillcrest and North Park – These trendy urban neighborhoods are just north of downtown and have a lot to offer. A little further, but a little cooler.
Additional Off Campus Resources: