Graduate Requirements
To receive the master of arts in Latin American studies, a student must
- Demonstrate foreign language competence in Spanish or Portuguese.
- Maintain a 3.0 GPA in thirty-eight units of course work (about nine courses) to be completed as follows:
- Complete the Latin American Studies Basic Seminar Sequence: twelve units must be taken in the required Core Seminar in Latin American Studies (LATI 200, four units), four units in approved theory seminar, and four units in approved methodology seminar.
- Courses must be completed in at least three fields, with no more than sixteen units in any one department. Students must include six units of independent research (LATI 299) for work on the master’s thesis.
- At least sixteen units must be taken in graduate-level courses, and up to twelve units may be taken in upper-division, undergraduate-level courses.
- Successfully complete either a comprehensive exam or master’s thesis.
General Concentration Requirements
To receive the master of arts in Latin American studies with a concentration, a student must
- Demonstrate foreign language competence in Spanish or Portuguese.
- Maintain a 3.0 GPA in forty-two units of course work (about ten courses) to be completed as follows:
- Complete the Latin American Studies Basic Seminar Sequence: twelve units must be taken in the required Core Seminar in Latin American Studies (LATI 200, four units), four units in approved theory seminar, and four units in approved methodology seminar.
- Complete sixteen units within the specifications of the concentration (as specified below). All of the concentration units must be taken at the graduate level (200 level), and a maximum of two undergraduate-level courses (100 level) may be upgraded to graduate-level 298 courses.
- Complete twelve units of general electives within the specification of the concentration (as specified below). At least 50 percent of the general elective units must be taken at the graduate level (200 level).
- Successfully complete a master’s thesis on a topic relevant to the area of concentration.
Consult the list of the different concentrations HERE