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Latin American Studies Approved Course List 

LAS Approved Course List Spring 2025

List is subject to change. Please check the course schedule on Triton Link for the latest information.

The following are interdisciplinary courses available at UCSD that are approved to satisfy the requirements of the Latin American Studies Program. This list is dynamic and subject to on-going revisions. Courses not included in this list may be considered for credit based on content and must be petitioned.

Contact the LAS Student Affairs Coordinator with any questions on course offerings or petitioning courses.

Courses Offered by the Latin American Studies Program


LATI 200. Core Seminar on Interdisciplinary Research and Methodology in Latin American Studies (4)

A team-taught course wherein members of the faculty group in Latin American Studies present diverse disciplinary and thematic approaches to the region. Topics vary from year to year. Grades are based on discussions and on a series of analytical papers. Prerequisites: Enrollment in the master’s degree program in Latin American Studies or permission of instructor.

LATI 220. Special Topics in Latin America (4)

Readings and discussion of substantive issues and research in Latin American studies. Topics may include the study of a specific society or a particular issue in comparative cross-national perspective. Topics will vary from year to year. Prerequisites: Enrollment in the master’s degree program in Latin American Studies or permission of instructor.


LATI 298. Directed Reading (1–12)

Guided and supervised reading of the literature of the several areas included in the interdisciplinary fields of anthropology, communications, economics, history, literature, political science, and sociology. Prerequisites: graduate standing in Latin American Studies.

LATI 299. Independent Research (1–12)

Independent work by graduate students engaged in thesis research and writing under the direct supervision of a faculty adviser.